quinta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2012

Seminario Internacional Com Sensei Nash

A todos os membros da Wado Bushikai e interessados em Karate Wado em Geral fica a informação sobre mais um seminário internacional do Sensei Wataru Shibata na Holanda.

Caso estejam interessados podem contactar a Budo Academy Tenno ou os membros Seniores da Wado bushikai para obterem informações adicionais sobre como participar neste Seminário.

Informação enviada pela organisação:


W i n t e r S e m i n a r 2 0 1 2

30 November, 1 & 2 December

Amsterdam - Netherlands   The objective of the course is to explore and delve deep into the technical aspects of Wado. We will be concentrating on the finer points and aspects of Wado technique. This course is designed to challenge you mentally. We encourage you to take notes. Photo and video is prohibit.
Location :

University Sport Centre

De Boelelaan 46, 1082

LR, Amsterdam       Budo Academy Tenno is hosting another annual seminar with one of

the top instructors of the world – Bob Nash 7th Dan JKF Wadokai

and chief instructor of Guseikai International USA of where our dojo

is a member off.

The intention of this seminar is to personalise the training so you

can improve as if you get a private training. To get new challenges

to improve even more. To take all of the personal remarks back

home to your dojo for you to work on for the coming year.

Bob Nash Sensei

Bob Nash sensei was born in Yokohama, Japan and was raised in

Tokyo until he left for the US at the age of 18. He began studying

martial arts at an early age and he studied Wado Ryu under the

guidance of Hideho Takagi (8th Dan). Takagi sensei is one of the

top Wado technicians in the world and is a member of the JKF

Wadokai Central Technical committee.

After Bob Nash sensei moved to the US, he joined Yoshiaki Ajari’s

(8th Dan) dojo in Berkeley, California when he was in his mid 20’s.

In the 90’s Bob Nash sensei formed his own group and today Nash

Sensei is the chief instructor of Wado Guseikai USA, the largest JKF

Wadokai affiliated group in American. Bob Nash sensei frequently

does seminars within the US and also across Europe.

The seminars are taught in a relaxed manner. His aim is to transmit

as much information as possible in the allotted time. The seminar

should not be physically taxing but plenty of concentration is

demanded of the participants. Note taking is strongly recommended.

Techniques are explained at various ability levels, so there will be

something of value for everyone, regardless of rank.

Night accommodations:

There are many hotels in the area but be quick if you want to have

some cheap deals.

Subscription Limited Seminar:

You can subscribe via mail: info@tenno.nl or

telephone +31 (0)6 – 284 597 26

Subscription is to the max of 25 persons for Friday, Saturday and

Sunday morning. Be in time.

Only after receiving confirmation of the subscription and the initial payment of € 40,- in advance subscription is a fact.

The rest can be paid at the training hall.

If the maximum participant is a fact you will automatically be placed

on a reserve list.

Payment to Budo Academy Tenno – (Branch Shoshin Wadokai - JKF

Wadokai Japan)

Concerning: Bob Nash Wadokai Masters 2012

Participation to the limited seminar is for the whole weekend

Bank account: 1291 70 704

Address: Hoofdstraat 104 – 2171AW – Sassenheim – Netherlands.

Subscription Open Seminar: Payment at the training Hal.

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